Mindful Leadership Communication Skills

This training program features Professor Andrew Hopkins and focuses specifically on the communication skills of safety leaders.

Formats Corporate Licence

Duration: 16 minutes

The Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) uses this program for their Fundamentals of Process Safety five-day course and our Process Safety for the Board one-day course.

Mindful Leaders are acutely aware that the best of systems can fail, even though auditors might be assuring them that all is well.  They know that if they want to be sure their systems are working as intended, they need to go and find out for themselves and undertake non-systematic auditing of their own.  In order to do so, Mindful Leaders need to be able to communicate effectively with workers.

This program provides guidelines on face-to-face communication with workers on site, not an idea which appeals to many senior managers.

This program illustrates in detail, how management at all levels – Senior Executives, Middle-ranking Managers and Front-line Managers need to communicate with their workers. Specifically, it delves into the 5Ws (‘Who’, ‘What’, ‘Where’, ‘When’ & ‘Why’) and 1H (‘How’) of effective communication.

As a Safety Culture Consultant, Professor Andrew Hopkins brings a wealth of communication experience to this program - experience built on speaking to people at all levels in companies- from operators all the way to senior management. And in different industries and in different countries around the world.

Professor Hopkins’ techniques in undertaking Safety Culture audits results in more detailed information for management than typically made available.

This program is a must for all Supervisors, Managers at all levels and Chief Executives.

Key learning outcomes:

At the end of this workshop, safety leaders will learn communication skills, including:

  • Where, Why and When to talk to workers,

  • Who they should talk to,

  • What to talk about and

  • How to talk

Package contents:

  • The package includes a 16-minute video featuring Professor Hopkins

  • Supporting material that includes Power Point Presentations and Prof. Hopkins' working papers.

Recommended prior to viewing:

Mindful Leadership With References to BP Texas City – a video that identifies the key aspects of “Mindful Leadership” and illustrates how lapses in leadership contributed to the BP Texas City disaster.

Mindful Leadership Communication Skills

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