Creating a Mindful Organisation

Organisational culture is one of the key factors why companies fail to recognize the warning signs prior to workplace accidents.

Formats Available: Corporate Licence

Duration: 32 minutes

Creating a Mindful Organisation, utilising a case study of the Gretley Coal Mine disaster, examines why organisational culture is one of the key reasons why companies fail to recognise the warning signs prior to workplace accidents. It covers the areas of high reliability organisations, group think, reporting systems, culture of denial and collective mindfulness.


This new, updated version of the Creating a Mindful Organisation program provides a self-driven resource that can be used across an organisation, ensuring standardised comprehensive reviews and detailed action plan development and reporting. It can be conducted by in-house facilitators, or by approved facilitators.

Key learning outcomes:

At the end of the workshop, participants will:

  • Understand the elements of a mindful organisation

  • Identify improvement areas for their own organisation

  • Develop an action plan

Content and Format:

The program is available in two versions:

  • Interactive version: This includes a video with pauses for workshop activities. It also includes a PowerPoint presentation with embedded video clips of the program to facilitate interactivity and audience participation at relevant points of the program.

  • Linear version: This includes a video with no pauses. With this version, the facilitator can conduct a shorter session with the option to conduct activities after viewing the video.

Also included is the following associated support material:

  • PowerPoint presentation with embedded video clips of the program to facilitate conducting interactive workshop activities at regular intervals.

  • Facilitator's Guide, Participant's Handouts, Reference Material and links to relevant websites.

Intended Audience:

This interactive training workshop has been designed for strategic decision makers, including Safety Managers, management from middle to senior level, Plant Managers and Risk Managers, to give them the tools to significantly improve management of OH&S Risk Systems.

Available in the following languages:

English, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, Mandarin/Cantonese

Andrew Hopkins provides critical insights and lessons on the cultural and organizational causes of major industrial accidents. Hopkins conveys simple yet powerful messages that help people understand the complexities and interconnecting components of HSE management systems. His work and research revolving major industrial accidents is timely, significant, and practically relevant to the petroleum industry today and he has made great contributions to the Occupational Health and Safety field in general. It is my hope that the petroleum industry will learn through Hopkins’ underlying message that superior safety results in safety performance is driven through mindful leadership and leadership’s commitment to learn from previous incidents.
— Dion W. Durdle, RasGas Company, Doha
Regarding the “Creating a Mindful Organization” DVD. We have organized several in-house briefings with our safety team as well as some frontline supervisors of Towngas as well as our subsidiaries. It is very good for enhancing safety awareness especially for our high risk operations. We have made use of the DVD as well as the training material provided for a series of safety awareness training to our new coal mine in Inner Mongolia.
— Victor Kwong – Towngas, Hong Kong

Acting on Warning Signs overview preview

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