Training Course

Preventing Major Accidents - FPSOs

Presented by Peter WilkinsoN


To develop delegates’ knowledge of Process Safety /Major Accident Events to enable them to more effectively and willingly implement the barriers (both preventive and mitigating) to MAEs.

To upskill delegates on MAEs/Process Safety by providing some tools and techniques they can use to explain the methods for preventing process safety events/MAEs to their teams, colleagues and others as required such as potential clients.

Workshop Outcomes:

By the end of the workshop delegates will:

  • be able to describe how major accident events occur (with specific reference to FPSO operations) and the relative contribution to these events of:

o   design issues

o   engineering and technical failures

o   weaknesses in systems and procedures

o   human error (at all levels from the Board Room to the front line technician)

  • have had practice in developing and using bow tie diagrams to explain to others the linkages between risks (top events), threats (or causes) and the barriers both preventive and mitigating
  •  have taken part in at least two practical exercises using offshore petroleum incidents (of which a minimum of one will be FPSO specific and another to include MoC) to illustrate the typical causation pattern of MAEs
  • be able to identify tasks and activities from activities which take place on the vessel which present a particular risk of leading to a MAE and the managerial and supervisory techniques appropriate for managing the risk including:

o   delegation techniques

o   appropriate approaches to “active monitoring”

  • have a working knowledge of the different types of human error and be able to give an example of each and a typical “defence” for the different types of human error using tasks typically carried out on the vessel as examples.
  • be able to identify the “weak signals” (as used in organisations aspiring to be High Reliability Organisations, HROs) which make the risk of a MAE occurring more likely



Peter will prepare a highly practical course which will engage, inform and challenge where appropriate. He will use practical case studies, some of the Hopkins material from Deepwater Horizon on cognitive bias such as “Group Think”, as well as using the material you supply to gain insights into incident causation with particular relevance to MAEs/Process Safety.

The course content will be based on the outline to be discussed with Peter and customised for your situation.


Peter has run these sorts of courses for individual companies, regulators and as public courses and received very positive feedback. An important aspect of success is to ensure access to relevant material from the vessel and company as appropriate to customise the offering. In particular, Peter suggests provision of the following information will aid preparation and ensure the material is focused on relevant issues:

  • Copies of incident reports from the vessel or other company facilities
  • Copies of any FPSO incidents globally of which you are aware but not otherwise publically available
  • Relevant parts of the safety case e.g. MAEs, SCEs, other critical controls/barriers, accountability for them and how they are monitored
  • Audit or inspection reports that relate to controls/barriers for MAEs
  • Any other materials you think will be of use.


FutureMedia and Noetic undertake to sign a non-disclosure agreement to cover information of this nature.


Development of the course


The course has been developed by FutureMedia in partnership with Peter Wilkinson of the Noetic Group.

How is the course delivered?

The course runs for 1-day.
The course is designed for delivery to a single organisation and includes:

  1. Pre-course consultation. The course facilitator contacts the client in advance so as to determine client needs to be met during the facilitation.
  2. Post-course Action Plan. Participant’s action plans are collated by the facilitator and forwarded to the organisation’s coordinator.

Course Facilitators

All course facilitators are highly experienced HSE professionals whilst also being accredited
workplace trainers and have been independently accredited by FutureMedia.

Fee Structure

1-day course

  • Minimum course numbers 10. Maximum course numbers 15.
  • The cost for facilitation includes the pre and post course consulting, as well as facilitating the course
  • Reduced fees apply for multiple facilitations
  • Transport and accommodation, if required, is additional
  • GST is additional for Australian clients.

Contact us for more information and cost.

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